All Roads Lead to Rome: Forging Your Own Path to a Career in Mediation

CLE Credits: 1.0 Recognition and Elimination of Bias

In this workshop, ARC and MCLA neutral and former Court Commissioner Anthony S. Khoury–a Straus LL.M. student, Community Mediator and former Child Welfare Administrator Cheryl Epps–a Straus MDR student, and Professor Sherri Sturgeon–a Straus MDR alumna, who’s also an Adjunct Faculty Coordinator for the Straus Mediation Clinic, will present three different paths to a career in the field of mediation (litigation/bench, volunteer, academia), and three different types of mediation settings (attorneys in a litigated case, community disputes, self-represented litigants), based on their respective experiences building a mediation practice. This workshop will cater to both mediators and prospective mediators who are attorneys, law students, and non-attorneys, and will include a PowerPoint presentation, a question and answer session, audience polling/participation, and a discussion of practical tools for use in different mediation settings.


Cheryl Epps