How Do I Get Started? A Step-By-Step Guide for New Practitioners

CLE Credits: TBD

Many new practitioners start by taking training to build mediation skills. But then what? Most have never had to set up or run the business of delivering professional services. Three speakers will provide step-by-step guidance on what to do after the training course: 1) Setting up a practice starts with a legal entity, getting an EIN, insurance, banking arrangements and the basics of marketing. 2) How to get organized to manage individual cases from client intake and conflict checking to case file management, client communications, scheduling, final agreement and long-term file storage, and 3) Technology tools to help, from a website to Zoom and email accounts, calendar, billing and accounting, case management and secure file storage. Presenters will be Kristyn Carmichael, Family Mediator and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst; Jessica Wright, founder of Suttle Manor, LLC providing remote case management services, and Gary Doernhoefer, founder of ADR Notable.


Kristyn Carmichael