Kelly Myers

Kelly Myers is a dedicated professional with extensive training in divorce coaching, mediation, and co-parenting. With a passion for helping individuals navigate the challenges of divorce and separation, Kelly has established herself as a trusted advisor and advocate for countless individuals and families. Her expertise lies in providing invaluable guidance, emotional support, and practical solutions during what is often a tumultuous and emotionally charged period.

With nearly a decade of experience in the field, Kelly possesses a deep understanding of the complex dynamics involved in divorce and separation. She has dedicated her career to empowering her clients to make informed decisions, find their voice, and achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their children. Kelly firmly believes that divorce does not have to be a battle, but rather an opportunity for growth, healing, and the creation of a new beginning.

Kelly facilitates constructive dialogue between divorcing couples, fostering a cooperative and respectful environment. She strives to help couples find common ground, identify shared priorities, and reach mutually beneficial, sustainable agreements. Kelly’s approach to mediation is grounded in empathy, and the belief that divorcing couples have the ability to work together in finding equitable solutions that best serve their unique circumstances.

Kelly is a Certified Divorce Coach and received her mediation training through Northwestern University, the Harvard Program on Negotiation and the acclaimed Mosten Guthrie Academy. Kelly has also been trained by Bill Eddy in High Conflict Mediation and as a New Ways for Families Coach. She is passionate in her advocation of developing balanced co-parenting strategies to build harmony within the new family dynamic and is a part of the Co-Parenting Specialist Certification training team at Mosten Guthrie Academy. Kelly’s a graduate of the University of San Diego and earned her paralegal certificate from USD’s ABA approved paralegal program. Kelly believes that helping people navigate the divorce process through managing their emotions, creating a divorce support team, and getting clarity around positions and interests, allows people to use their divorce to build a strong foundation for their future.

For more information about Kelly, visit her website at